Dr. Erin Thead

My name is Erin Thead, and I hold a Ph. D. in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences from Mississippi State University. My Master’s degree is in meteorology, and my undergraduate degree is in software engineering. I have combined the two fields of study for my research. My Master’s thesis was about the use of a statistical learning machine algorithm to forecast lightning, and my dissertation was about uncertainty analysis in deterministic model ensembles of severe weather outbreak forecasts.

I currently work for the National Weather Service’s Meteorological Development Laboratory as a contract employee. My writings and other posts are my opinion alone and do not necessarily reflect their views.

I also have written on a voluntary basis for the Climate Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to publishing sound science in climate change for the public and working with partners in the cause of climate resiliency.

This site pretty well explains most of my interests and hobbies, but I’ll reiterate them anyway because there are a few that aren’t covered: meteorology, weather, politics (I am a classical-liberal interventionist/hawk), art, writing, Steampunk, science fiction, taking care of my kitties Connor and Sterling, and following Red Sox baseball. Check out my links and weather links for sites that I like.

In 1997 and 1998, I took part in the Scripps Howard National Spelling Bee representing the newspaper The Clarion-Ledger of Jackson, MS. I made the finals both years. Later, in 1999, the Mississippi Legislature passed a resolution acknowledging it (PDF).

PolitiCalypso is my personal, political, and culture blog. Synoptic Flow is my weather blog. Neither blog is frequently updated. This site, ErinThead.com, also reachable at ErinThead.net, is now my official personal site.

My social media links are displayed in the left panel.